Now just who are the Exclusive Brethren - a church or a hypocritical and dangerous sect with secret agenda?

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Now just who are the Exclusive Brethren - a church or a hypocritical and dangerous sect with secter agenda?

Just who do they really represent? Their people, their church or some other entity?




I have been reading about the Exclusive Brethren a fundamentalist Christian sect, who are causing some problems in the upcoming Victorian State Elections in Australia.

They actually caused a furore with their involvement in the New Zealand parliamentary elections last year - spending NZ$1.2 million dollars in propaganda publicity. I call it propaganda because the pamphlets they created and distributed were over the top personality attacks against the governing Labour Party and the Greens.

These were actually hypocritical attacks from a so-called Christian organisation whose members do not vote, watch television,listen to the radio,use computers or socialise with people outside of their membership. They have some strange ideas about which I won't elaborate here.

The leader of the New Zealand Opposition National Party, Dr Don Brash( a subject himself of one of my recent posts )has publicly denounced the Exclusive Brethren because of their tactics in last years elections, and stated that his party doesn't want any future contacts with that fundamentalist sect.A bit late considering he had actually met with them at least twice since our elections, and denied it!

I'd be interested hearing from any of our Aussie friends who may have some news in relation to the coming state elections in Victoria, Australia.

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