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Like the flower, we cannot always choose the spot or season in which the Creator planted us to bloom...

Like the flower, we cannot always choose the spot or season in which the Creator planted us to bloom...

I recently read this true short story and would like to share it with you here:

Nearly 150 years ago, the New England philosopher Henry David Thoreau penned an observation about something small that,in turn,left a huge impression.It was just a tiny flower on an old country road.But this flower spoke volumes to him and perhaps to us as well.

Thoreau mentioned," I saw a delicate flower had grown up two feet high,between the horse's path and the wheel track.An inch more to the right or left had sealed its fate, or an inch higher; and yet it lived to flourish as much as if it had a thousand acres of untrodden space around it,and never the danger it incurred.It didn't borrow trouble, nor invite an evil fate by apprehending it."

Like the flower, we cannot always choose the spot or season in which the Creator planted us to bloom. Neither can we necessarily control what heads our way down the road of life.

Sadly, many people never get beyond the spot of that seeding. They simply look around and say," Is this it? "

Then they proceed to slowly wither in despair. They didn't have a choice where they started, but they made a choice as to how to grow from whence they were planted.They chose to be bitter, not better. And that, my friends, is a choice before us all.
Yes, we all have choices in our lives.We can decide to tread water in the shallows, or get out and swim in the deep.Stay at home and wither or get out and explore the world - vegetate or mature!

Peter Petterson
October 2006