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Tuataras return to mainland New Zealand - protected lizards from the dinosaur age!

After an absence of 200 years on mainland New Zealand, Tuataras have returned, with 70 of the protected relics from the dinosaur age making their new home at the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary in Wellington.The greeny yellow lizards were flown in to the New Zealand capital from outlying Stephens Island.

The sanctuary also protects the rare North Island Saddleback and the Little Spotted Kiwi.

A Victoria University( Wellington) reptile expert,Charles Daugherty,reportedly said Tuatara were once abundant on the New Zealand mainland until the 1700's - not standing a chance against introduced mammals such as rats.New Zealand did not have any native mammals.

The Tuataras managed to survive on 32 offshore islands. The recent translocation of 70 of the lizards could see other releases in the future.The Tuataras future appears to be guaranteed for many years to come.

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